21 May 2010

another twisted sketch...

i'm loving the TWISTED SKETCH site!  i think i've almost got my scrap mojo back -- thanks girls!!

sketch #050   --- twist: Old

this took me forever to start -- i was thinking "old pictures, or old looking layout, or old in the title" and none of it seemed to be going anywhere.  so i starting thumbing through some pictures i got from my grandparents house and found these of my little brother. bahahahaahaha.

i have this on my desk still -- every time i walk by it i smile.  my brother is 5 years younger than i am. my sister and i are only 13 months apart -- we treated him like a real live doll.  we'd dress him up, fix his hair, wrap him in blankets -- you get the picture.  and it was even more fun at "Granny and Papa's" house because Papa would let us go through their closets to dress Vic up.  i vividly remember my Granny not being thrilled with us going through her jewelry.  sorry Gran!
my Granny died almost six years ago and my Papa almost  two.  i miss them terribly.  we've lived away from "home" for a while now, so i would only get to see them the couple times a year i'd go back with my boys.  it is still hard for me to wrap my head around them being gone, especially my Pa.  when it's time to load up the car and head back to Oklahoma one of the first things i think about is taking the boys out to the farm to visit and run wild.  it really seems like my grandparents should still be there.

family is such a blessing - and because of scrapbooking i get to relive these memories each time i go through my albums.  i'm thankful for that.


Sue said...

GREAT LO love the 'old' paper and the photos are brilliant

Debbie H said...

Fab LO and glad you have your mojo back!
Thanks for playing along.

Brenda Weaver said...

This is a great layout! I love how you incorporated your old photos. It looks like your brother was a pretty good sport.